Monday, December 27, 2010

Tongue splitting diary, Day 18

The split is ever growing. I keep thinking it isn't working, or I'm not binding it tight enough, and then I look at it and I'm amazed at the progress! I can open the tip a bit, and the split is visible all the way down my tongue.
It looks a bit crooked, but it's not in real life.

There's still some white matter on the inside of my tongue that looks like scar tissue, though. Hopefully that goes away soon.

A better pic of the split and how deep it's getting, plus you can see the white stuff.

For some reason it's been easier to talk and eat lately too, however the eating involves terrible table matters on my part. I have to cut my food into little pieces and shoving it back onto my molars. It isn't pretty, but I've been enjoying eating solids again.

So I'm estimating it's about 60% done. I think it'll take another week and a half. We'll see how accurate that estimate is!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Tongue splitting diary, day 11

It's been awhile since an update, but that's because there hasn't been much to report on. I left friday to play some derby in Canada(see pic above), so I was holding off on doing a new binding until after. I had also ran out of the mouthwash to clean it so I didn't want to push my luck. I've noticed some white matter in the split, it doesn't appear to be pus. I'm not too worried about it.

Anyways, I've got a nice little split going along the top of my tongue, and I can flex and open it a bit. Jet city is now on winter break to it gives me a solid two weeks to work on it in peace. Skating with something constricting your tongue kind of sucks! Especially when you bite down on it when you get hit.

I don't know if it's my imagination, but I seem to need to bind a lot more frequently now. They seem to be too loose after a few hours(or a night). I've read online, though, that after the first few days it goes a lot faster. I hope that's what is happening, and I'm not just wasting my time thinking I've bound it tight enough and it's not.

And now for a pic! Sorry for the crappy quality:

Trying to show the split better:

Monday, December 13, 2010

Tongue splitting diary, day 4/5

Day 4: As of the end of day 3, my tongue had split a bit near the back. Today, it hadn't split any farther so I figured that the bind had gotten a bit too loose. So after derby practice I added another one. It hurt too much to cut out the old one, so I just added another over it.

Day 5: Tried to cut out some of the old bindings I had, but couldn't because the shitty scissors I bought thinking they would be small and sharp enough can't cut through the line. Figured the 2nd binding wasn't done tight enough, so I added a 3rd. This will be the last one I do before I cut out the old ones.

Eating is still a pain in the ass. Managed to choke down a few appetizers at the league potluck the other night but christ. With this newest binding it'll make it even harder for awhile. I need a blender.

Here's a pic of the split at the end day 3. It's super tiny, but it's a start(mind you when I first started there wasn't any space around my tongue piercing at all. Also sorry for the gross mouth color, I had just gotten done eating spaghetti-o's:

Friday, December 10, 2010

Tongue splitting diary, Day 2

Woke up at 7:30 this morning, which is crazy since I've been waking up at noon or so the last week. I'm pretty sure the tongue irritation is what caused it. It's considerably more uncomfortable today, but not unbearable. Unfortunately, I couldn't get back to sleep so I've been watching old Miami Ink seasons on Netflix.

Speaking is also harder than it was yesterday, due to swelling and discomfort when my tongue moves. The indent along the top of my tongue(near my tongue piercing) is also a lot more prevelant than yesterday.

I'll try to take a picture tonight.

Tongue splitting diary, Day 1

So I just put in the first binding before heading out to a league meeting. It's a bit uncomfortable and feels very strange(I am constantly very aware of my tongue. It's quite peculiar). I'm not sure if I have tightened it tight enough, but I figure I'll wait and see how it looks tomorrow once it has swollen up a bit before I make that call.

Right now the battle is making sure it is as centered as possible and making sure it stays that way. The damn thing keeps trying to slip off to the side, just enough to bother me. Symmetry is key!

Here is a crappy picture taken just so to show what it looks like now:

It doesn't look like much, but it will with time. This was taken before I went to the meeting, and even now it looks a little deeper and more pronounced.

On a semi-related note, my roommate made me chicken for dinner and christ that was an uncomfortable meal. It hurts to move my tongue much, so I would pretty much just stick it by my molars, chomp on it and few times, and then swallow. It was still tasty, though... Pain for pleasure, I suppose. I guess I'll stick to liquid-ish foods for the next few days.

Check back for updates! I'm sure they will be more exciting than this one.


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Tongue splitting

So, being out of work now and everything, I've decided to start splitting my tongue. I figured now would be the perfect time, since I don't have to worry about going to work and talking funny, and the Jet City Rollergirls season opening bout isn't until the end of january, so I should be healed up and ready to go by then.

I've been reading up online and decided to do the fishing line method. While most people would chastise me for not going to a professional place to do it, I decided to do it on my own for several reasons. Namely:
1. Even though it will take longer(about a month for the whole split), in my mind it is better doing it that way, where I'm in control.
2. The idea of having someone split my tongue with a scalpel freaks me right the fuck out, and I'm pretty sure that's the way the only place I've found locally does it. This ties into reason 1.
3. It's kind of a pilgrimage of sorts. From what I've read, it's extremely painful doing it with fishing line(cutting my tongue in half with fishing line HURTS?! Who would have thought!).

I've also decided to document the journey, so check back here for updates! I'll try to keep up with taking pictures and stuff too. I'll probably be grabbing the fishing line and other stuff I need(like mouth wash to keep it clean) tomorrow, and then I'll probably start on thursday or friday.