Friday, April 30, 2010

So I only vaguely remember starting this blog the other night, but I'm going to run with it. I turned in my paper which ended up being 5 pages long(it only had to be 2-3 pages), so yay for over achieving I suppose.

I'm pretty awful at writing bios. I currently live by myself in a small studio house in the middle of a beautiful backyard. I have a cat who named Loki who loves to play fetch(seriously, he's a hound about it. Click the link for a video.). I'm going to school for digital film making, I had a drunken epiphany and changed my major, which had been for CNC machining. As I mentioned before, roller derby is my life source. I enjoy the occasional foray into drugs, though nowadays I don't have the time to.

I believe there is a delicate balance between the casual drug user and the addict, though society seems to lump everyone into the addict catagory and I can understand, really. We've all seen the violent crack heads on the corner or watched the news clip about someone on drugs; it's easy to assume that anyone who uses drugs is an idiotic addict determined to throw their life away.

So give responsible drug users a chance, ya?

Anyways, I've been sitting on this post for about a week. I'm just gonna let it go and post

Monday, April 26, 2010

Silly bitch

I started this blog out of boredom to get out of my writing slump(not that I am a writer) and to have a place to put my strange thoughts and derby rants(I skate with Tilted Thunder, the only banked track league in washington), and it's somewhere for me to talk about my life that isn't facebook.

I came upon the realization that I am no where near as creative when I'm not on drugs. Maybe I should fix this. I have this writing project that's kicking my ass. It's due tomorrow morning and all I can think is, man, what I wouldn't give for a line, or cap or two? I'll settle for cheap beer for now, and think about writing an interesting bio for myself tomorrow(Though it's not like anyone is going to read this anyways).

I'm watching Dr. Horribles sing a long blog and if you haven't seen it you're missing out. I'm gonna go back to drinking beer and writing this paper.