Friday, February 11, 2011

Hey guys...

My tongue is done, finally.

I kept putting off binding it, because the bindings hurt super bad, and then I kept having events in my life that caused me to skip it(I didn't do it before the bout, then I got sick and didn't want the added misery). Finally I asked a chick on my team, who is a nurse in normal life, to steal me a scalpel.

I ended up staying up till about 8am, making small cuts in what was left, because it hurt like a bitch to do more. Finally I finished and then passed out. I ended up waking up at 5pm today, I slept like a rock!

Today it hardly hurts at all, I barely notice it. Kudos go out to my friend Jim, who I convinced to get on Skype with me so I could have emotional support while I cut it(even though I didn't end up doing it on camera cause I didn't want him to see me be a wimp).

I'm completely in love with my tongue, it looks amazing.

Though there is a hang up.

At some point when I was binding, a string became off centered. I noticed this but couldn't dig it out. Now it is a weird lump on the side of my tongue. I tried to get a picture of it here:

So now I have to cut that off too! Even though there is so little of it, I get the feeling it will suck to do, since at least with my tongue it was anchored on both sides, with this little bump I have to hold onto it... or something. I don't know. I think I'll go get something to eat first...

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